Ashley’s Happiness List

Everyone has things that contribute to their happiness. Compiling a list of “happiness triggers” can be a fun way for you to learn more about yourself. See my post on how to write your own happiness list here.

Ashley’s Happiness List

  1. Pugs
  2. Learning a new recipe
  3. Earl Grey Tea
  4. Rain Storms
  5. Candied Nuts
  6. Daylight Savings Time
  7. Holidays
  8. Taking photos
  9. Spending time with my family
  10. Getting my hair done (and head massages)
  11. Traveling
  12. Hot yoga
  13. Anything that smells like hyacinth, pine trees or chocolate
  14. Making Lists
  15. Shooting whipped cream into my mouth straight from the can
  16. Not procrastinating
  17. Muddy squirrels (so cute!)
  18. Finishing a long book
  19. Train Rides
  20. Candles
  21. The number 23
  22. My Dad’s stuffed animal zebra from the 50s
  23. Anything written by Robert Heinlein, A.S. Byatt or Dr. Seuss
  24. Brunch (I love brunch food!)
  25. Dressing up
  26. Finishing a good novel

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